3. Crop2ML Description

In Crop2ML, a model is either a model unit or a composition of models. ModelUnit represents an atomic unit of a crop model. A model composition is a model resulting from the composition of two or more atomic model or composite models.
These models have a specific formal definition in Crop2ML.

3.1. Formal definition of a Model Unit in Crop2ML

The structure of a Model Unit in Crop2ML MUST be conform to a specific Document Type Definition named ModelUnit.dtd .
So a Model Unit Crop2ML document is a XML document well-formed and also obeys the rules given in the ModelUnit structure.
This structure MAY be described by the below tree:
For more details, consult Crop2ML model unit specification .

3.2. Formal definition of a Composite Model in Crop2ML

A Composite Model Crop2ML is an assembly of processes which are described by a set of model units or a composition of models. Given a composite model is a model, this one has also inputs, outputs and internal state which describe the orchestration of different independent models composed.
The structure of a Composite Model in Crop2ML MUST conform to a specific Document Type Definition named ModelComposition.dtd .
The composition is represented as a directed port graph of models:
Vertices are the different models that form the composition.
Ports are the inputs and outputs of each model.
Edges are directed and connect one output port to an input port of another model.
It contains in addition to all Elements of a model unit a Composition Element for the composition of models.
This structure MAY be described by the below tree:
| For more details, consult Crop2ML model composite specification .