Source code for pycropml.package

"""from pycropml import composition
from pycropml.pparse import model_parser
from path import Path
import networkx as nx
from collections import defaultdict
from IPython.display import Image, display
from networkx.drawing.nx_pydot import to_pydot
from pycropml.render_cyml import signature"""

from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
from path import Path
import os
import sys
import time
import imp
DEBUG = False

[docs]class UnknownNodeError (Exception): def __init__(self, name): Exception.__init__(self) self.message = "Cannot find node : %s" % (name) def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]def get_default_home_dir(): """ Return the home directory (valid on linux and windows) """ if sys.platform != 'win32': return os.path.expanduser('~') def valid(path): if path and os.path.isdir(path): return True return False def env(name): return os.environ.get(name, '') homeDir = env('USERPROFILE') if not valid(homeDir): homeDir = env('HOME') elif not valid(homeDir): homeDir = '%s%s' % (env('HOMEDRIVE'), env('HOMEPATH')) elif not valid(homeDir): homeDir = env('SYSTEMDRIVE') elif not valid(homeDir): homeDir = 'C:\\' if homeDir and (not homeDir.endswith('\\')): homeDir += '\\' return homeDir
[docs]def get_openalea_home_dir(name='.pycrop2ml'): """ Return the crop2ml home directory If it doesn't exist, create it """ home = get_default_home_dir() aleahome = os.path.join(home, name) if(not os.path.exists(aleahome)): os.mkdir(aleahome) return aleahome
[docs]def get_userpkg_dir(name='user_pkg'): """ Get user package directory (the place where are the files). If it doesn't exist, create it """ aleahome = get_openalea_home_dir() wraleahome = os.path.join(aleahome, name) if(not os.path.exists(wraleahome)): os.mkdir(wraleahome) return wraleahome
[docs]def lower(item): try: item = item.lower() finally: return item
[docs]def is_protected(item): """ Return true the item is protected """ try: return item.startswith('#') except: return False
[docs]def protected(item): " Return corresponding protected name for item " return "#" + item
[docs]class PackageDict(dict): """ Dictionnary with case insensitive key This object is able to handle protected entry begining with an '#' """ def __init__(self, *args): self.nb_public = None dict.__init__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, item): item = lower(item) try: return dict.__getitem__(self, item) except KeyError: # Try to return protected entry return dict.__getitem__(self, protected(item)) def __setitem__(self, item, y): # Update nb public key if (self.nb_public and not self.has_key(item) and not is_protected(item)): self.nb_public += 1 return dict.__setitem__(self, lower(item), y) def __contains__(self, key): return self.has_key(key)
[docs] def has_key(self, key): key = lower(key) if (dict.has_key(self, key)): return True else: return dict.has_key(self, protected(key))
def __delitem__(self, key): # Update nb public key if (self.nb_public and not is_protected(key)): self.nb_public -= 1 return dict.__delitem__(self, lower(key))
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): return dict.get(self, lower(key), default)
[docs] def iter_public_values(self): """ Iterate througth dictionnary value (remove protected value) """ for k, v in self.items(): if (not is_protected(k)): yield v
[docs] def nb_public_values(self): """ Return the number of unprotected values """ if (self.nb_public is None): l = lambda x: not is_protected(x) ks = filter(l, self.iterkeys()) self.nb_public = len(ks) return self.nb_public
[docs]class PseudoGroup(PackageDict): """ Data structure used to separate dotted naming (packages, category) """ sep = '.' # Separator mimetype = "pycrop2ml/package" def __init__(self, name): """ Name is the pseudo package name """ PackageDict.__init__(self) = name self.item = None
[docs] def new(self, name): """todo""" return PseudoGroup(name)
[docs] def get_id(self): """todo""" return
[docs] def get_tip(self): """todo""" return
[docs] def add_name(self, name, value): """ Add a value in the structure with the key name_tuple """ if(not name): # if value is a dict we include sub nodes self.item = value try: for k, v in value.iteritems(): self[k] = v except: try: self[str(id(value))] = value except Exception as e: print(e) pass return splitted = name.split(self.sep, 1) key = splitted[0] if(len(splitted) > 1): remain = splitted[1] else: remain = None # Create sub dict if necessary if not dict.has_key(self, key.lower()): self[key] = try: self[key].add_name(remain, value) except Exception as e: print ('Package %s[%s]' % (, name)) print (e) try: self[str(id(key))].add_name(remain, value) except Exception as e: print ('Unable to find these nodes: %s' % value) print (e) pass
[docs]class Package(PackageDict): """ A Package is a dictionnary of node factory. Each node factory is able to generate node and their widgets. Meta informations are associated with a package. """ # type information for drag and drop. mimetype = "pycrop2ml/package" def __init__(self, name, metainfo, path=None): """ Create a Package :param name: a unique string used as a unique identifier for the package :param path: path where the package lies (a directory or a full wralea path) :param metainfo: a dictionnary for metainformation. Attended keys for the metainfo parameters are: - license: a string ex GPL, LGPL, Cecill, Cecill-C - version: a string - authors: a string - institutes: a string - url: a string - description: a string for the package description - publication: optional string for publications """ PackageDict.__init__(self) = name self.metainfo = metainfo # package directory if (not path): # package directory import inspect # get the path of the file which call this function call_path = os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[1][1]) self.path = os.path.dirname(call_path) self.wralea_path = call_path # path is specified else: if (not os.path.exists(path)): os.mkdir(path) if (not os.path.isdir(path)): self.path = os.path.dirname(path) self.wralea_path = path else: self.path = path self.wralea_path = os.path.join(self.path, "") self.crop2ml_path = os.path.join(self.path, "crop2ml") #wralea_name = name.replace('.', '_')
[docs] def is_directory(self): """ New style package. A package is embeded in a unique directory. This directory can not contain more than one package. Thus, you can move, copy or delete a package by acting on the directory without ambiguity. Return True if the package is embeded in a directory. """ return self.wralea_path.endswith("")
[docs] def is_editable(self): """ A convention (for the GUI) to ensure that the user can modify the package. """ return False
[docs] def get_pkg_files(self): """ Return the list of xml filename of the package. The filename are relative to self.path """ #assert self.is_directory() ret = [] for file in os.listdir(self.crop2ml_path): src = os.path.join(self.crop2ml_path, file) if (not os.path.isfile(src) or file.endswith(".pyc") or file.endswith(".py") or file.startswith(".")): continue ret.append(file) return ret
[docs] def remove_files(self): """ Remove pkg files """ assert False
[docs] def reload(self): """ Reload all xml file of the package """ sources = self.get_pkg_files() s = set() # set of full path name for f in sources: s.add(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.path, f))) ''' for module in sys.modules.values(): if (not module): continue try: modulefile = os.path.abspath(module.__file__) if (modulefile in s): module.oa_invalidate = True reload(module) print ("Reloaded ", module.__name__) except: pass ''' return s
[docs] def get_crop2ml_path(self): """ Return the full path of the (if set) """ return self.crop2ml_path
[docs] def get_id(self): """ Return the package id """ return
[docs] def get_tip(self): """ Return the package description """ str = "<b>Package:</b>%s<br/>\n" % (, ) try: str += "<b>Description : </b>%s<br/>\n" % (self.metainfo['description'].replace('\n', '<br/>'), ) except: pass try: str += "<b>Authors :</b> %s<br/>\n" % (self.metainfo['authors'],) except: pass try: str += "<b>Institutes :</b> %s<br/>\n" % (self.metainfo['institutes'], ) except: pass try: str += "<b>URL : </b>%s<br/>\n" % (self.metainfo['url'], ) except: pass return str
[docs] def get_metainfo(self, key): """ Return a meta information. See the standard key in the __init__ function documentation. :param key: todo """ return self.metainfo.get(key, "")
[docs] def add_modelunit(self, modelunit): """ Add to the package a factory ( node or subgraph ) """ if ( in self): raise Exception("modelunit %s already defined. Ignored !" % (, )) self[] = modelunit modelunit.package = self # Check validity # oops: this is a hack. # When the factory is a data factory that do not reference a file, raise an error. # This function return True or raise an error to have a specific diagnostic. try: modelunit.is_valid() except Exception as e: modelunit.package = None del(self[]) raise e # Add Aliases if (modelunit.alias): for a in modelunit.alias: self[protected(a)] = modelunit
[docs] def update_modelunit(self, old_name, modelunit): """ Update factory (change its name) """ del(self[old_name]) self.add_modelunit(modelunit)
[docs] def get_names(self): """ Return all the factory names in a list """ return self.keys()
[docs] def get_modelunit(self, modelid): """ Return the factory associated with id """ try: modelunit = self[modelid] except KeyError: raise UnknownNodeError("%s.%s" % (, id)) return modelunit
[docs]class PackageManager(): def __init__(self): self.syspath = sys.path[:] self.pkgs = PackageDict() self.user_crop2ml_path = set() self.sys_crop2ml_path = set() self.category = PseudoGroup("")
[docs] def set_sys_crop2ml_path(self): """ Define the default composition files search path For that, we look for "composition" entry points and deprecated_wralea entry point if a package is declared as deprecated_wralea, the module is not load """ if self.sys_crop2ml_path: print("yesyesy") return self.sys_crop2ml_path = set() if DEBUG: res = {} # Use setuptools entry_point if SEARCH_OUTSIDE_ENTRY_POINTS: self.add_crop2ml_path(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.sys_crop2ml_path) self.add_crop2ml_path(get_userpkg_dir(), self.sys_crop2ml_path) if DEBUG: return res
[docs] def add_package(self, package): """ Add a package to the pkg manager """ # Test if the package is deprecated self[package.get_id()] = package self.update_category(package)
[docs] def update_category(self, package): """ Update the category dictionary with package contents """ for nf in iter(package.values()): # skip the deprecated name (starting with #) if is_protected( continue # empty category if not nf.category: nf.category = "Unclassified" # parse the category for c in nf.category.split(","): # we work in lower case by convention c = c.strip().lower() # search for the sub category (split by .) try: c_root, c_others = c.split('.', 1) except: # if there is no '.', c_others is empty c_root = c c_others = '' if c_root in self.user_category.keywords: # reconstruct the name of the category c_temp = self.user_category.keywords[c_root] + '.' + c_others.title() self.category.add_name(c_temp, nf) else: self.category.add_name(c.title(), nf)
[docs] def init(self, dirname=None, verbose=True): """ Initialize package manager If dirname is None, find composition files on the system else load directory """ # output redirection if(not verbose): sysout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') try: if (not dirname): self.find_and_register_packages() else: self.load_directory(dirname) finally: if(not verbose): sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = sysout
[docs] def reload(self, pkg=None): """ Reload one or all packages. If the package `pkg` is None reloa all the packages. Else reload only `pkg`. """ if(not pkg): self.clear() self.find_and_register_packages(no_cache=True) for p in self.pkgs.values(): p.reload() else: pkg.reload() self.load_directory(pkg.path)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove all packages """ self.user_crop2ml_path = set() self.sys_crop2ml_path = set() self.pkgs = PackageDict() self.recover_syspath() self.category = PseudoGroup('Root')
[docs] def rebuild_category(self): """ Rebuild all the category """ self.category = PseudoGroup('Root') for p in self.pkgs.values(): self.update_category(p)
[docs] def create_readers(self, crop2ml_files): return filter(None, (self.get_pkgreader(f) for f in crop2ml_files))
[docs] def find_and_register_packages(self, no_cache=False): """ Find all composite model on the system and register them If no_cache is True, ignore cache file """ self.set_sys_crop2ml_path() self.set_user_crop2ml_path() if DEBUG: t1 = time.clock() crop2ml_files = self.find_all_crop2ml() readerlist = self.create_readers(crop2ml_files) # readerlist = self.find_wralea_files() if DEBUG: t2 = time.clock() print ('-------------------') print ('find_crop2ml_files takes %f seconds' % (t2 - t1)) if DEBUG: res = {} for x in readerlist: if DEBUG: tn = time.clock() x.register_packages(self) if DEBUG: tt = time.clock() - tn print ('register package ', x.get_pkg_name(), 'in ', time.clock() - tn) res[x.filename]=tt if DEBUG: t3 = time.clock() print ('-------------------') print ('register_packages takes %f seconds' % (t3 - t2)) self.rebuild_category() if DEBUG: return res
[docs] def load_directory(self, dirname): """ Load a directory containing wraleas""" dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname) if(not os.path.exists(dirname) or not os.path.isdir(dirname)): print("Package directory : %s does not exists." % (dirname,)) # self.log.add("Package directory : %s does not exists."%(dirname,)) return None self.add_crop2ml_path(dirname, self.user_crop2ml_path) # find wralea readers = self.find_crop2ml_dir(dirname) if not readers: readers = self.find_vlab_dir(dirname) ret = None for r in readers: if r: ret = r.register_packages(self) else: print("Unable to load package %s." % (dirname,)) ret = None if(readers): self.rebuild_category() return ret
[docs] def add_crop2ml_path(self, path, container): """ Add a search path for wralea files :param path: a path string :param container: set containing the path """ if not os.path.isdir(path): return # Ensure to add a non existing path for p in container: common = os.path.commonprefix((p, path)) # the path is already in wralepath if (common == p and os.path.join(common, path[len(common):]) == path): return # the new path is more generic, we keep it if(common == path and os.path.join(common, p[len(common):]) == p): container.remove(p) container.add(path) return # the path is absent container.add(path)
[docs] def find_crop2ml_dir(self, directory, recursive=True): """ Find in a directory wralea files, Search recursivly is recursive is True :return : a list of pkgreader instances """ if DEBUG: t0 = time.clock() crop2ml_files = set() if(not os.path.isdir(directory)): print("%s Not a directory" % repr(directory)) # self.log.add("%s Not a directory"%repr(directory)) return [] p = Path(directory).abspath() # search for if recursive and SEARCH_OUTSIDE_ENTRY_POINTS: for f in p.walkfiles("*model*.py"): crop2ml_files.add(str(f)) else: crop2ml_files.update(p.glob("*model*.py")) for f in crop2ml_files: print("Package Manager : found %s" % f) # self.log.add("Package Manager : found %s" % f) if DEBUG: t1 = time.clock() dt = t1 - t0 print ('search crop2ml files takes %f sec' % dt) readers = map(self.get_pkgreader, crop2ml_files) if DEBUG: t2 = time.clock() dt1 = t2 - t1 print( 'readers takes %f sec: ' % (dt1,)) return readers
[docs] def get_pkgreader(self, filename): """ Return the pkg reader corresponding to the filename """ reader = None if(filename.endswith('')): reader = PyPackageReaderModel(filename) else: return None return reader
def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self.pkgs[key] except KeyError: raise UnknownPackageError(key) def __setitem__(self, key, val): self.pkgs[key] = val #self.notify_listeners("update") def __len__(self): return len(self.pkgs) def __delitem__(self, item): r = self.pkgs.__delitem__(item) self.rebuild_category() #self.notify_listeners("update") return r def __contains__(self, key): return self.has_key(key)
[docs] def keys(self): return self.pkgs.keys()
[docs] def items(self): return self.pkgs.items()
[docs] def values(self): return self.pkgs.values()
[docs] def iterkeys(self): return self.pkgs.iterkeys()
[docs] def iteritems(self): return self.pkgs.iteritems()
[docs] def itervalues(self): return self.pkgs.itervalues()
[docs] def has_key(self, *args): return self.pkgs.has_key(*args)
[docs] def get(self, *args): return self.pkgs.get(*args)
[docs]class AbstractPackageReader(object): """ Abstract class to add a package in the package manager. """ def __init__(self, filename): """ Build a package from a specification file. filename may be a file for instance. """ self.filename = filename
[docs] def register_packages(self, pkgmanager): """ Create and add a package in the package manager. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class PyPackageReader(AbstractPackageReader): """ Build packages from wralea file Use 'register_package' function """
[docs] def filename_to_module(self, filename): """ Transform the filename ending with .py to the module name """ start_index = 0 end_index = len(filename) # delete the .py at the end if (filename.endswith('.py')): end_index = -3 # Windows case (e.g. C:/...) if (filename[1] == ':'): start_index = 2 modulename = filename[start_index:end_index] l = modulename.split(os.path.sep) modulename = '.'.join(l) return modulename
[docs] def get_pkg_name(self): """ Return the OpenAlea (uniq) full package name """ m = self.filename_to_module(self.filename) m = m.replace(".", "_") return m
[docs] def register_packages(self, pkgmanager): """ Execute """ pkg = None basename = os.path.basename(self.filename) basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.filename)) modulename = self.get_pkg_name() print("mod", modulename) base_modulename = self.filename_to_module(basename) print("basmod", base_modulename) # Adapt sys.path sys.path.append(basedir) if (modulename in sys.modules): del sys.modules[modulename] (file, pathname, desc) = imp.find_module(base_modulename, [basedir]) try: wraleamodule = imp.load_module(modulename, file, pathname, desc) print("wr", wraleamodule, type(wraleamodule)) print("pk", pkgmanager) pkg = self.build_package(wraleamodule, pkgmanager) except Exception as e: try: print('%s yes 1 is invalid : %s' % (self.filename, e)) except Exception as e: print ('%s yes 2 is invalid : %s' % (self.filename, e)) pass except: # Treat all exception pkgmanager.add('%s is yes3 invalid :' % (self.filename, )) if (file): file.close() # Recover sys.path sys.path.pop() return pkg
[docs] def build_package(self, wraleamodule, pkgmanager): """ Build package and update pkgmanager """ print("pk", pkgmanager) try: wraleamodule.register_packages(pkgmanager) except AttributeError: # compatibility issue between two types of reader reader = PyPackageReaderModel(self.filename) reader.build_package(wraleamodule, pkgmanager)
import shutil
[docs]class PyPackageReaderModel(PyPackageReader): """ Build a package from a Use module variable """
[docs] def build_package(self, wraleamodule, pkgmanager): """ Build package and update pkgmanager """ print('buid') name = wraleamodule.__dict__.get('__name__', None) edit = wraleamodule.__dict__.get('__editable__', False) print(name, edit) # Build Metainfo metainfo = dict( version='', license='', authors='', institutes='', description='', url='', icon='', alias=[], ) for k, v in wraleamodule.__dict__.items(): if not (k.startswith('__') and k.endswith('__')): continue k = k[2:-2] # remove __ if k not in metainfo: continue metainfo[k] = v print("met", metainfo) # Build Package path = wraleamodule.__file__ print("path", path) if (path.endswith('.pyc')): path = path.replace('.pyc', '.py') if (not edit): print("no") p = Package(name, metainfo, path) else: print('yes') p = UserPackage(name, metainfo, path) print("p",p) pkgmanager.add_package(p)
[docs] def check_exist(self): pass
[docs] def contain_pkg(self, pkg): pk={} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pkg): if "crop2ml" in dirs: pk[root.split('/')[-1]]=root return pk
[docs] def get_path(self,pkg,name): di = self.contain_pkg(pkg) wf_path={} for k, v in di.items(): wf_name = k.split('\\')[-1] wf_path[wf_name]=v if name in wf_path.keys(): return wf_path[name] else: print("pkge doesn't exist")
import shutil
[docs]class UserPackage(Package): """ Package user editable and persistent """ def __init__(self, name, metainfo, path=None): """ @param path : directory where to store wralea and module files """ if (not path): import inspect # get the path of the file which call this function path = os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[1][1]) print("path", path) print("name", name, metainfo, path) Package.__init__(self, name, metainfo, path)
import string
[docs]class PyPackageWriter(object): """ Write a wralea python file """ wralea_template = """ # This file has been generated at $TIME $PKG_DECLARATION """ pkg_template = """ $PKGNAME $METAINFO """ def __init__(self, package): """ Package to write """ self.package = package def __repr__(self): """ Return a string with the package declaration """ pstr = string.Template(self.pkg_template) editable = isinstance(self.package, UserPackage) metainfo = '__editable__ = %s\n' % (repr(editable)) for (k, v) in self.package.metainfo.iteritems(): key = "__%s__" % (k) val = repr(v) metainfo += "%s = %s\n" % (key, val) result = pstr.safe_substitute(PKGNAME="__name__ = %s" % (repr(, METAINFO=metainfo, ) return result
[docs] def get_str(self): """ Return string to write """ pstr = repr(self) wtpl = string.Template(self.wralea_template) result = wtpl.safe_substitute( TIME=time.ctime(), PKG_DECLARATION=pstr) return result
[docs] def write_wralea(self, full_filename): """ Write the in the specified filename """ try: result = self.get_str() except Exception as e: print(e) print("FILE HAS NOT BEEN SAVED !!") return handler = open(full_filename, 'w') handler.write(result) handler.close() # Recompile import py_compile py_compile.compile(full_filename)
''' from pycropml import package pkg1=Path("C:/Users/midingoy/Documents/THESE/pycropml_pheno/test/Tutorial/test") pk = package.PackageManager() pk.init(pkg1) pk.contain_pkg(pkg1) '''