Source code for pycropml.render_notebook_java

""" License, Header

Use pkglts

- name of a model unit?
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from path import Path

# The package used to generate Notebook
import nbformat as nbf

from . import render_java as rp

[docs]class Model2Nb(rp.Model2Package): """ Generate a Jupyter Notebook from a set of models in Java. """ def __init__(self, models, dir=None): """TODO. """ super(Model2Nb, self).__init__(models, dir=dir) self.with_import = False
[docs] def run(self): """TODO. """ self.generate_notebook()
[docs] def generate_notebook(self): """Generate a java package equivalent to the xml definition. Args: - models : a list of model - dir: the directory where the code is generated. Returns: - None or status """ # Create a directory (mymodel) cwd = Path(self.dir) directory=cwd/'java_notebook' if (directory).isdir() : _dir = directory else: _dir = directory.mkdir() count = 0 files=[] for model in self.models: self.generate_component(model) # In the directory notebook_csharp/ # TODO: The code need to be generated locally in different methods. nb = nbf.v4.new_notebook() text = """\ # Automatic generation of Notebook using PyCropML This notebook implements a crop model.""" _cells = nb['cells'] = [nbf.v4.new_markdown_cell(text), nbf.v4.new_code_cell(self.code)] # Generate the tests text_test = """\ ## Run the model with a set of parameters. Each run will be defined in its own cell.""" _cells.append(nbf.v4.new_markdown_cell(text_test)) #for model in self.models: code_tests = self.generate_test(model) for code in code_tests: _cells.append(nbf.v4.new_code_cell(code)) ext = '' if count == 0 else str(count) fname =_dir/"test_%s.ipynb"%signature(model) #fname = _dir/'test.ipynb' with open(fname, "w") as f: nbf.write(nb, f) files.append(fname) count +=1 return files
[docs] def generate_test(self, model_unit): tab = ' '*4 m = model_unit sig = "" inputs = m.inputs outputs=m.outputs num=0 psets = m.parametersets code_test= [] for inp in inputs: sig+="," for v_tests in m.testsets: test_name = # name of tests #code =tab+"//%s"%test_name+");\n" test_runs = v_tests.test test_paramsets = v_tests.parameterset # name of paramsets # map the paramsets params = {} if test_paramsets not in list(psets.keys()): print('Unknown parameter %s'%test_paramsets) else: params.update(psets[test_paramsets].params) for each_run in test_runs : des = "" # make a function that transforms a title into a function name tname = list(each_run.keys())[0].replace(' ', '_') tname = tname.replace('-', '_') code =tab+"//%s %s"%(test_name,tname)+");\n" (run, inouts) = list(each_run.items())[0] ins = inouts['inputs'] outs = inouts['outputs'] run_param = params.copy() run_param.update(ins) declaration="" for testinp in inputs: if not in list(run_param.keys()): run_param[]=testinp.default declaration+= tab*2+self.DATATYPE[testinp.datatype]+" " + " = "+ run_param[]+";\n" """ vartest = "" for k, v in run_param.iteritems(): vartest += "%s %s = %s,"%(k,v) """ code += declaration +"\n" code += tab*2+signature(m)+" res%s = Estimation_%s.Calculate"%(num,signature(m))+signature(m)+"("+sig[:-1]+");\n" code+=tab*2+"System.out.println(" for out in outputs: des+='" %s: "' "+"+"res%s.""+" code+=des[:-1]+");\n\n" for k, v in outs.items(): if len(v)==2: code+=tab*2+ "System.out.println(((new BigDecimal(res%s.%s)).setScale(%s, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN)).equals((new BigDecimal(%s)).setScale(%s, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN)));\n"%(num,k,v[1],v[0],v[1]) else: code+=tab*2+"System.out.println((new BigDecimal(res%s.%s)).equals(new BigDecimal(%s)));\n"%(num,k,v[0]) num = num+1 code_test.append(code) return code_test
[docs]def signature(model): name = name = name.strip() name = name.replace(' ', '_') return name